Webinar Replay

4 Pillars to working with leads

Explain how the 4 pillars apply to the real estate industry: Begin by introducing the concept of the 4 pillars of lead generation and explain how they apply to the unique challenges of generating leads in the real estate industry. Provide examples of how each pillar has been used successfully in the past by other real estate agents.

Emphasize the importance of a strong online presence: The first pillar, "L" for "Leveraging Technology," is particularly important in the real estate industry. Discuss the importance of a strong online presence, including social media marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO), and provide tips for optimizing each of these areas.

Highlight the role of referrals and relationships: The second pillar, "E" for "Establishing Relationships," is also crucial in the real estate industry. Discuss the importance of building strong relationships with current and past clients, as well as other professionals in the industry, and provide tips for doing so effectively.

Explain the value of targeted advertising: The third pillar, "A" for "Attracting Attention," can be particularly challenging for real estate agents. Discuss the importance of targeted advertising, including social media advertising and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and provide tips for creating effective ads that will attract the right audience.

Encourage consistent follow-up: Finally, the fourth pillar, "D" for "Driving Follow-Up," is critical for converting leads into clients in the real estate industry. Discuss the importance of consistent follow-up, including email marketing and personal outreach, and provide tips for creating a follow-up system that works for your business.

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